Title: The Divorce Papers
Author: Susan Rieger
Genre: Women's fiction
Pages: 461
Published: 2014
Sophie Diehl is an associate criminal attorney working for an old-line New England Firm and she very much appreciates the fact that most of her clients are behind bars. She hates face-to-face contact, but one week, all the partners are out of the office, so she is forced to do the intake interview for a new divorce client. Although she is promised that is all she'll have to do, the client takes a liking to her and insists on Sophie continuing as her lawyer.
This was such a fun book to read. It's written in all e-mails and interoffice memos, but surprisingly gives detailed looks into the character's lives. I loved the characters (except for the ones you're supposed to hate) and was sad to see it end. I would love to see this as a series!!
Reviewed by Kim
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Reviewed by Kim
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