The Mindy Project is a new sitcom that premiered last year, and season one was recently released on DVD. It stars Mindy Kaling, of The Office fame, and has quickly become one of my new favorites. I watched the entire season one on DVD in about a week's time, binge watching the episodes every chance I got. I seriously found myself anxious to get home every night just so I could curl up on the couch with my dog, a hot chocolate, and a few new episodes.
Mindy stars as a single doctor in an OB/GYN practice and dreams about finding the perfect man in the city. Her coworkers are off the walls hilarious and her dating adventures are ridiculous and highly entertaining. Mindy herself is an absolute riot, and I found myself laughing out loud at least once every episode. She actually plays a surprisingly convincing doctor! My favorite characters include Mindy herself, and Morgan, the RN they hired who was a former convict recently released from prison who has turned his life around. He is absolutely nuts and cracks me up with his antics and one liners. Mindy is, of course, completely funny, charming, and witty. The other doctors, office employees, and potential suitors are all top notch as well. I was always a fan of Mindy Kaling's, especially after seeing her speak at a BEA conference, but now I love her even more.
The episodes are short, only about 21-22 minutes apiece, so if you have a little bit of free time and are looking for some great laughs, why not check out The Mindy Project? You won't be disappointed!
You may also consider reading Mindy's memoir, Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? which I plan on getting my hands on ASAP!
Reviewed by Stephanie
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