Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Connect on Social Media!

Social media is becoming an increasingly popular way to connect with people and companies all around the world. So, what is it exactly? Simply put, social media is social networking and communicating via websites and applications. We love connecting with library patrons via our social media websites. Here are the ones we use, and how you can find us!

Facebook: this is one of the biggest social networking sites around. Facebook allows you to befriend people you know, as well as "like" or follow company pages for updates, photos, links, and more. We would love it if you "liked" our pages! Our Greece Facebook page is HERE and our Barnard Crossing Facebook page is HERE.

Twitter: this one is growing exponentially and becoming more and more popular by the day! Twitter allows its users to post "tweets" or updates, but the catch is that each tweet must be 140 characters or less. We post updates, interesting links, and more! Follow us on Twitter HERE.

Goodreads: this is like Facebook but for booklovers! It is social networking + books. Goodreads allows you to make virtual bookshelves where you can shelve books you want to read, have read, or are currently reading. You can also add your own custom shelves if you'd like to, so you can shelve by genre, age group, or whatever you'd like. People keep track of their books in a variety of ways on Goodreads. You can also add friends so you can see what they are reading too and discuss! There are also book recommendations, groups you can join for connecting, giveaways and SO much more. This is the perfect site for book lovers, especially those who want to catalog or track what they are reading or want to read. Add us as a friend on Goodreads HERE to see what our staff is reading and recommends!

Pinterest: this is like a virtual corkboard! Users can create a variety of virtual boards to pin photos and other things they find online to. Come and see what we've been pinning HERE and follow us. We pin lots of books, information, and other neat things!

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